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6 Techniques for Creating Content Consistently

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6 Techniques for Creating Content Consistently

Сообщение rifahossain22 » 04 ноя 2024, 09:03

Have you implemented a content strategy for your blog and social networks  ? Great, that's a great idea. However, it's far from being a smooth road. Writer's block or lack of inspiration ... There are many barriers. Today, I suggest you break them all down! Follow my 6 effective techniques for creating content regularly . 1. Dig into the chestnut trees The chestnut tree is the equivalent of “ evergreen ” content   . It’s when a journalist writes a somewhat empty article about snowfall in the middle of the ski season. A calendar event that comes out every year in the off-peak periods when the lack of inspiration is felt. The origin of the chestnut tree therefore comes from the world of journalism.

However, it is a tool that many use for the creation of an bulk email campaigns annual editorial schedule. Particularly on social networks, blogs, etc. The chestnut tree then allows you to punctuate the year by providing content for important events. Seasonality is essential in your communication and you must adapt to it. For example, you can use the Christmas holidays to give a "gift" to your community: By offering them a discount Or by organizing a competition. It will also depend on your industry. Overall, there are a lot of important dates you can use to your advantage. This type of content allows you to: To be in tune with your readership To renew your themes easily Use popular topics to unite your community and encourage interaction.


The chestnut tree can also more subtly inspire you with content related to seasonality. For example, with the change of time, you could create an article or a post: "time is money: how to manage your personal life/professional life?". Chestnut trees are among the best techniques for creating content regularly. 2. Draw on your experience The easiest thing to do when creating content is to talk about what you know. This is one of the techniques for creating content regularly, the easiest in fact. If you master your subject, you will be much more comfortable writing. You will also have more ideas on the topics to cover. The reason is simple, you will intuitively draw on your experience. And if this is not the case, you will have to do it right away.

Be careful though, you are not here to talk about yourself in the literal sense! You can draw inspiration from your life and past experiences, but that's it. The writing style must remain fluid. The only exception would be if you were writing for your lifestyle blog for example. When you write about a topic you know, you can write by adding a personal dimension. This style allows you to create emotion in your texts. Who says emotion, says engagement, affects and proximity with the reader. You humanize your content by personalizing it. Be careful, this technique is a double-edged sword, because your opinion can be subject to debate. Your character marks your point of view and your style.
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